Sunday, 16 May 2010
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Monday, 3 May 2010
Monday, 26 April 2010
Thursday, 1 April 2010
Exam Dates
A2 Critical Perspectives - Tuesday 15th June 2010
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Photograph Manipulation
Research and Planning
• There is excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience.
- Front cover, contents page and double page spread analysis
• There is excellent organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props.
- Keeping a production log with comments on setting and achieving deadlines.
- Images of key mise-en-scene you with use in your production. e.g. photographs of who you will be using in your production.
• There is excellent work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding.
- Digital photographs of plans / sketches for your production work. Include a brief description (written / audio) to help explain your ideas.
• Time management is excellent.
- Setting deadlines / targets on production log and commenting on whether you have met them.
• There is excellent use of digital technology or ICT in the presentation.
- Use a variety of digital technologies on your blog - audio files, digital photography, slide shows, PDF files.
Saturday, 13 February 2010
Audio File
Friday, 12 February 2010
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Monday, 1 February 2010
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Textual Analysis – Contents Page
Questions to Consider
What contents page conventions are used?
Is the page conventional / typical?
Does it subvert typical conventions of contents pages?
What unique selling points of the magazine that are shown in the contents page?
Is there an editor's letter? If so what assumptions are being about the audience?
What images are used? What are the connotations of these images? How do they represent the target audience?
How does the contents page attract / represent its target audience?
Can you apply any audience theories to the contents page?
How is the audience being addressed?
Key Terms
Conventions audience representation
mise-en-scene connotations institution
genre brand identity mode of address
personal identity